Many ask us this question: Is it healthy to eat in restaurants?
It is considered that a healthy diet, well balanced and loaded with the nutrients that the human body needs, does not have to restrict itself only to the intake of vegetables and fruits. The key is to eat everything.
We, restaurants, generally serve elaborate, complex, original dishes … as it is through the kitchen where we have to show our talent.
The good news? Even our food can help you maintain your weight.
Remember: a healthy diet is a varied diet. You can come to dinner at Lume & Co frequently and eat healthy. Without any doubt!
Look at the menu carefully
At Lume & Co we guarantee the origin of our products and, of course, we offer information on the ingredients that each product contains.
We have all heard, read, seen news about the quality of food and its conservation. It is very important that when you choose a restaurant you ensure that the ingredients they use are of quality.
Let’s see an example: A veal steak contains only 14% of the daily fat that a person needs daily for a balanced diet. At Lume & Co we select our meat suppliers among the most recognized in the country. Certified cattles, which offer traceability. Livestock where the use of additives, hormones and antibiotics is very limited. Think about it; we are what we eat.
What if I am following a diet?
According to the dietitian Michel de Montignac, a person subjected to a diet, for reasons of weight and health, needs to take a break once a week, to be able to release the anxiety that food restriction generates. We call that a detour.
And anyone who has ever taken a diet knows that, without a doubt, that concept feels very good to the body, the mind and the spirit. From time to time, it’s time to put aside the rigidity and choose a tasty and forceful dish, which does not stop being healthy for our body.
Are you sure the desserts get fat? Well it is scientifically proven that desserts do not get fat after being eaten after a meal or dinner. What makes you fat is the global calculation of the calories you have consumed throughout the day.
If you follow healthy eating habits throughout the week you will not need to deprive yourself of your favourite dessert since although the overall calculation of the day is somewhat higher than the days you do not go out, it will not be as disastrous as if you “eat bad “always. You will hardly notice it.
And yes, this last one is totally true but we have also written it to whet your appetite 😉
Advice to lose weight?
Every year the same thing happens, before the summer we start to obsess with the “Operation Bikini” and we consider dieting. The problem is that 90% of the time we are not able to maintain it for a long time because it is usually very hypocaloric (very low in calories) and without fats or sugars and, of course, the body is resentful and in the end “he asks for it”.
And how do diets usually end? Well with an overeating when we cannot do more, with what we double damage our body: first we deprive him of essential nutrients and finally we give him an overdose of them.
If you look, many dieters have not managed to lose weight. The reason is very simple, it is not about depriving our body of anything but changing habits.
And what is that of changing habits?
Well, to start eating five times a day and distribute the amount we need daily during those five times.
A common mistake is to get up in a hurry, have a quick coffee (or nothing) and run to work. This can be a mistake because when we eat breakfast we will be so hungry at the time of the meal that we will gobble up first, second, dessert, coffee and whatever it takes. But not only that, eating copiously at noon, we will not be hungry all afternoon but when we get home, at night, we will compulsively eat anything and go to sleep full.
Result: we will have eaten badly throughout the day and we will not rest well so the next day we will get up tired, without hunger for breakfast, with little encouragement and, sure, that the sheets will be stuck.
So how should I eat?
The answer is easier than it seems. It is about eating five times a day as we have already begun to say before. A balanced diet would be:
- A good breakfast, taken with calm and tranquillity. Try getting up early in the morning to take it easy. The first day will cost you but in a few days, you will have become accustomed and you will perform better because you will rest better at night.
- In the middle of the morning, take something light: a yogurt with cereals, for example, will make you feel no hunger at midday and it will provide you with nutrients.
- To eat, you will see how you are no longer as hungry as when you did not eat breakfast. Moreover, you may not want to eat. That’s a good sign, remember that before you arrived with a terrible hungry at noon. You can eat what you want without problems, but not being hungry you will not cram. To give an example, the amount may be that of a dessert plate but “diet” food is not necessary.
– In the middle of the afternoon again, take something to prevent your body from “feeling hungry”. A piece or two of fruit is perfect. It can also be another yogurt, etc.
You will see that you arrive at night without hunger. Here the “trick” is eating something very light but “fill” like a good salad to which you can add whatever you want: a chicken Cesar, or a tuna, etc. You can also take a vegetable cream or similar.
All this will help you rest and in the morning, you will wake up hungry which will be PERFECT to eat your breakfast.
ATTENTION: Eating a little more of the account from time to time, if you follow a healthy eating habits is not a problem at all.
So, you know, book at Lume & Co, enjoy, have fun, savour, chat with your people and do not worry.